Hey guys, Its Spade again, we're still working on something legitimate to put here, possibly a short origins-like comic that shows the first kills of our main cast. Until then, I'll give you another member of the cast to look at. He's a major player right off the bat, and becomes a driving force later on. Here we go.
Alec Cornelius Thorson
Alias: Ace, Ace of Spades
Birthday: 7/12/458 (27)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Hair Styles: Shoulder length, slicked back/ pony tail or Not styled, messy
Skin: Marvelously tanned
Height: 6’0”
Occupation: Commander in Chief of the Royale, and the country of Asino
Strong Points: Administration, business, likeable, loyal
Has Trouble With: being too laid back, cocky, temper,grudges
Short Term Goal: Vengeance upon Alexander
Long Term Goal: Overthrow the Republic, and usher in a new era of peace and freedom
Personality: Alec is a professional above all else. He views his city as his number one, nothing else can ever come first. Because of this, his personality varies. When 'at work' his demeanor is serious, always. Some days he hardly smiles while attending to his duties. To his citizens, he is benevolent and compassionate, to his enemies he appears cold, cynical, and cut throat, perhaps even murderous. Alec is a man that knows that politics is all about appearances. Doubly so when on the verge of war. However, for every first there is a second, for Alec that second is a playboy. The moment he leaves his office, every day his troubles instantly was away and he becomes a light-hearted, partier.. His parties are renowned, all throughout Syrias, Alec is known to be wild, and live the good life, with the cocky 'I can take on the world' attitude to go with it. Though there are still a few things to him that must always remain serious. He also has a bit of a temper, though slow to anger in most circumstances.
Sum of Personality in One Word: Leader
Antithesis of Personality in One Word: Coward
Personal History:
He had been a rambunctious child all his life. He attended a Republic school in the capital city, where he received one of the greatest educations in Syrias. When he was around 12 or so, he decided that he would, like his father become a politician, in hopes of one day creating a utopia for all of Syrias. However, he would learn a terrible lesson while in the republic academy. Might makes right. A philosophy that he took to heart. Despite only being about 12 years old, he became progressively violent, constantly chastised for his behavior. He would frequently fight other children, many of them several years his senior, and he would fight brutally. However, he was never expelled. It was his father, Alfred who withdrew him from the academy. He was told that several things were going on, that his mother and alfred were having problems so they were moving to their summer home along the coast. This also was the region that Alfred was originally from, a small territory called Asino, where Alfred had began his political career, and now represented the region in the republic. This is where he continued his education until he was around 19, when he became rebellious.
Asino was like a tourist attraction for the majority of Syrias, featuring resorts, casinos, theatres and various other forms of entertainment. Among these were fighting tournaments, much like those in rancora, but these were more civil, never ending in death. He began to attend these bouts and taught himself how to fight, how to take a hit, and how to injure someone. All this he did by watching, and studying. Then, one day he decided to actually participate. He became well known in the fighting circut, winning several champion titles, in just a few months. He would determine however that here in Asino, people weren't challenging enough. Ever since he had been in the academy, his workout routine had been set in stone, allowing him to be in peak physical condition. He was arrogant, after an accidental death in the ring, he decided to go to Rancora, where he could find more challenging opponents. His father, demanded that he stay, that his place was in Asino, that world events made it unsafe for people like himself and his father. Of course Alfred's demands were ignored, and within a months time his first fight was in the Blood Tournament. He won, and killed his opponent with his bare hands. As he was leaving the arena, he looked up and saw a gun aimed at his chest. They shot.
Life begins with a bang. This is far more literal for he than most. His clearest memory is an explosion as he staggered out, mostly nude, from a complex at the southern in of the republic territory, and the gunshot that put him there. Confused he looked back and shook his head trying to remember. He remembered his father, Alfred a Republic Representative, and his mother, Rachel an assistant to the republic scientist Sandro. He knew his home and where it was, and he eventually remembered everything about himself, aside from his name.
He eventually arrived back home, feeling like a changed man. His father accepted him with open arms, laughing, despite the fact that his son had nearly been killed. Alfred laughed that he had to tell his son his name was Alec, and said that perhaps now Alec would realize that might didn't make right, as he had been shot. Alec agreed and took a far more peaceful approach to life. Following in his fathers footsteps, he became politically active as the republic handed over more and more power to The President Alexander.
Alfred would be one of the few who refused Alexander's power, claiming that Asino was now an independent nation. From across Syrias people came, those who would refuse to allow Alexander to rule their lives came to Asino, and despite the republic's refusal to trade, Asino prospered. Then there was peace for a time, as Alfred grew older, Asino knew nothing but the most peaceful time in its life, the republic even began trading again. Through all of this, Alec stayed by his father's side. When his father died, Alfred was heart broken, and Asino, with no leader was now ripe for the republic's picking. Alec saw this as a time to repent for his sins, and named himself the ruler of Asino, with the blessing of the populous. He attended a meeting with a republic representitive, sent by Alexander to have Alec sign Asino to the republic, essentially a formal apology of succession. Needless to say the meeting ended terribly for the republic, the event had been televised, and all of the republic watched as Alfred's son too was also a pillar of determination against the republic. When Alec returned home, he was celebrated a hero, however he went straight to work, forming ways of protecting the citizens, including a new structure for the government, so that people were never known by name, only by rank. He formed the Royale, which consisted also of an army. the republic began showing small signs of agression, which were quickly stamped out as soon as his force entered Asion's borders. Alec continued to lead the country against Alexander, never attacking the republic, however many small settlements would request to join asino, and Alec would take them with open arms. Now Alexander takes the very existence of Alec Thorson as a personal insult. Alec knows of a price on his head and has already personally dispatched several bounty hunters. He now awaits Alexander's next move.
Thats it, my next update will be a bit of information about the 'city' that we've been talking so much about in this profile, and in the end of Marcus' profile. Asino
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